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This website is intended to give a general overview on law and provide a basic understanding of how it works. Under no circumstances should it be taken as equivalent to a legal advice. SG Advocates and legal Consultants should not be held responsible for the difference in interpretation of a particular law construct, as well as the repercussions associated with it. Visiting this website without being in touch with SG Advocates & Legal Consultants otherwise does not result in the formation of an Attorney-Client relationship and should not be mistaken as one either. We do not endorse any external parties whose links or ads may be present on our website. We highly advise you to use this website as a medium of educating yourself regarding law and for more personalized responses, please refer to our specialized and licensed attorneys, or if you happen to be outside the Pakistan, seek the help of a licensed attorney in your region. Lastly, the facts and information presented on this website may not be applicable to you or the country where you belong, so be mindful while viewing the website.